El próximo domingo 4 de diciembre en Goa Electronic Parties estamos de celebración por todo lo alto, pues será una fecha de lo más señalada, nada más y nada menos que nuestro 17º aniversario! A puntito de cumplir la mayoría de edad, desde Goa Electronic Parties hemos confeccionado un cartel a la altura de una efeméride tan especial, con la presencia de algunos de los mejores deejays y productores, ya no sólo de la actualidad, sino de la historia de la música electrónica de baile. Y la temática escogida para tan soberbio encuentro es “Naked”. Ahora que en Goa Electronic Parties casi hemos cumplido casi los 18 años, ya es hora de empezar a disfrutar con la visión de cuerpos desnudos, del vodevil despojado de toda ropa, de los stripteases más morbosos y excitantes, y de las espectaculares proyecciones de luz y color que se verán reflejadas en los muy desnudos cuerpos de nuestras bellas invitadas. Un impactante espectáculo que dará que hablar y sobretodo, que mirar.
Y como los cumpleaños se deben celebrar como lo que son, una celebración de la vida, el cartel de nuestro 17º aniversario es una auténtica delicia para los sentidos, con todos los espectros de la música electrónica cubiertos por todos sus flancos. Empecemos.
En la Main Room, además de nuestros residentes Marcos Indub y Gerardo Niva, gozaremos de la presencia del gran Henrik Schwarz, quien nos traerá un set de lo más potente y bailongo, dejando a un lado su faceta más experimental y jazzy, y el proyecto LBS de Laurent Garnieracompañado por Scan X y Benjamin Rippert, triunvirato que nos brindarán uno de los mejores directos de techno que se pueden escuchar hoy en día en clubland.
En el Crystal Club tendremos a uno de los sellos que más gustan en Goa Electronic Parties además de ser uno de los colectivos que más y mejor house nos llevan sirviendo desde hace unos cuantos años, Innervisions. Elegancia, clase, atemporalidad sonora…y con Pablo Sánchez, el directo del dúo Âme, y las sesiones a los platos de dos de sus pichichis, Dixon y Henrik Schwarz, que se apunta por partida doble a nuestro aniversario.
El sello Bass Culture, uno de los más emergentes surgidos en los últimos tiempos en Francia, también estará presente en nuestro aniversario. Sushowcase tendrá lugar en el Upper Floor y tendrá como protagonistas a D’Julz –capo del label y habitual de Goa Electronic Parties-, Arnaud Le Texier, Kasper y Alex Picone.
Y, para finalizar el cartel de Goa Naked, la buena gente del club Araña se apunta también para traernos lo mejor del dubstep y la bass music del momento con Tony Karate, The Warriors, Benvinda, y uno de los pioneros (y genios) del dubstep, la bestia parda de Croydon (Londres),Benga.
Así que ya sabéis, apuntaros a fuego esta fecha, 4 de diciembre. Goa Electronic Parties está de celebración! Y que cumplan muchos más!
After a intense summer broadcasting from the Radio Amnesia studio, it’s now time to take stock and remember all those big nights.How can make it ? Well, listenning Radio Amnesia from today!
In Ibiza Sonica we chose the best recorded sessions to transport you into Amnesia world : Cocoon Heroes, Tonight, La Troya, Cream, I want my MTV, Matinée, Popstar… The cream of Amnesia music… The Elite. Check this out.
Después de un intenso verano emitiendo en directo desde los estudios de Radio Amnesia es hora de hacer balance y recordar todas esas grandes noches.
¿Como? Pues escuchando Radio Amnesia a partir de hoy.En Ibiza Sónica hemos seleccionado las mejores sesiones grabadas en directo para que te transportes a Amnesia : Cocoon Heroes, Tonight, La Troya, Cream, I want my MTV, Matinee, Popstars... Lo mejor de lo mejor, la crema de la crema, oigan.
Besides this huge selection of sessions, you will discover new radio shows specially picked over by Ibiza Sonica and Radio Amnesia. Here you have the line up and what line up !
Además, esa ensalada de sesionacas estará aderezada con programas escogidos a dedo por Ibiza Sonica y Amnesia. Aquí va la alineación...
On Monday, start the week with Hey Musik ! by Michel de Hey.
HEY! Three letters suffice to represent the all-around carefree package of electronic music. The abbreviation stems from the surname of Michel de Hey – DJ, producer, label owner, radio host and promoter. With HEY-Musik he hosts the most successful radio program for electronic music in Holland every week.
HEY! Tres letras que representan a uno de los dj´s más finos y con más gusto de Holanda. La abreviación corresponde al apellido del polifacético Michel de Hey: dj, productor, promotor, locutor de radio y encargado de su sello Hey Records. Son ya muchos años los que contemplan al de Rotterdaam y es un placer darle la bienvenida a Radio Amnesia.
from 00H00 to 01H00 enter into the Cocoon Heroes universe. A world where we are all heroes…
De 00H00 a 01H00 entra en el Universo de Cocoon Heroes. Un mundo donde todos los heroes somos todos…
On Tuesday...
Adam BeyerDRUMCODE's music is synonymous with all that is exciting about electronic music today. Having emerged as the figure head of the hugely prolific Swedish techno scene Beyer has now confirmed his position as a globally recognized DJ and producer, headlining the world's finest events week in week out with one of the most listenned world radio show : DRUMCODE
El DRUMCODEde Adam Beyer es sinónimo de excitación. Beyer es uno de los standartes de la prolífica escena techno sueca y se ha erigido como uno de los dj/productores de mayor fama a nivel mundial, encabezando uno de los programas con más audiencia en el mundo: Drumcode.
Faciendo are a tribe of "musical shamans" and "mix scientists", working together to inspire, educate and spread love through the air waves. Alongside this, Faciendo Radio, their weekly show, serves as a platform to showcase the latest sounds around the world, and also give the listener a glance into the past from the group’s musical history of timeless gems and forgotten classics.
Faciendo son una tribu de "chamanes" y "científicos" trabajando juntos para inspirar, educar y propagar el amor por las ondas de radio. El programa semanal Faciendo sirve como escaparate de las ultimas novedades globales pero pone un pie en el pasado y recupera joyasatemporales yclásicosolvidados. Reivindicando pasado y presente.
Behind the mixer, Eddie Halliwell seems frenetic: manipulating music with lightning cuts, layers of effects and slick scratches. He plays tracks from across the musical spectrum harnessing the energy of every beat, synth, hi-hat and squeak in a visual performance that compel his audiences to dance.
Detrás de la mesa de mezclas, Eddie Halliwell es un dj espectacular: mezclando su música con efectos, scractches y flashes, aprovechandoel "vibe" decada latido,sintetizador o hi-hat , alimentándose de la energia del público y devolviéndosela multiplicada. En Fire It Up traslada toda la energía de sus sesiones a su show de radio.
Friday, Some TechHouse vibes with the Get Physical presented by M.A.N.D.Y., Get Physical co-founders and techno extraordinaires, Get Physical Radio is all about bringing you the newest music weekly, mixed by artists of Get Physical, Kindisch and Physical Booking for love of the music alone. Let's Get Physical!
Viernes, Techouse con Get Physical presentado por M.A.N.D.Y. Los co-fundadores del sello alemán te traen en su programa semanal las últimas noticias y novedades mezcladas por artistas de Get Psysical. Let´s Get Physical !
Then, still connected and listen Identity by Sander Van Doorn from 00H00 to 01H00.
One of the biggest genre-crossing producers, Dutch superstar DJ/producer/remixer Sander Van Doorn play Techno, House, Progressive or Trance... Sander Van Doorn has collaborated with The Killers, Depeche Mode and Robbie Williams. So much identities for his Identity Radio Show… Ecclectic and good music…
Quédate connectado y escucha Identity de Sander Van Doorn de las 00H00 hasta las 01H00.
Uno de los más grandes dj´s de la escena mundial que mezcla techno, house, progressive o trance a las mil maravillas. La estrella holandesa ha colaborado además como remixer con de The Killers, Depeche Mode o Robbie Williams entre otros y como productor ha logrado colocar sus temas en charts de todo el mundo. Todas esas son sus señas de identidad y todo eso lo encontrarás en Identity.
Trance Around The world is the weekly radio show from Above & Beyond, who rank among the world's top 10 DJs according to DJ Mag and are former winners of Radio 1's Essential Mix Of The Year. The show features the hottest new releases from the world of trance and progressive, including the latest cuts from Above & Beyond's own Anjunabeats and Anjunadeep labels. Each episode also includes a guest mix from one of the scene's leading DJs.
Trance Around The world es el programa semanal de Above & beyond, uno de los 10 mejores dj´s del mundo (aunque ellos son tres) según la publicación DJ MAg y ganadores del premio de la BBC Essential Mix of the year. El programa incluye las últimas novedades del universo progressive y trance además de los últimos tracks de los sellos Anjunabeats y Anjunadeep propiedad de los mismos Above & Beyond. Y por si fuera poco en cada show invitan a algunos de los dj´s más importantes de la escena a pegarse una buena sesión.
Saturday Night, Above & Beyond were in Beirut for their exclusive 400th of their TATW show live broadcasted for Radio Amnesia... El sábado, Above & Beyond fueron en Beirut para la exclusiva retransmissión del numero 400 del programa TAWT retransmitido en Radio Amnesia...
They actually recently released their new Ajunabeats compilation...
Saturday November 26th / In exclusivity on RADIO AMNESIA 21H00-05H00
With just days to go, Above & Beyond's landmark #TATW400 show is again primed to be the biggest event on the Anjunabeats bosses' calendar.
Taking place at the famed Forum De Beyrouth in the pearl of the Middle East, Beirut, Lebanon, #TATW400 will unite some of the biggest names in trance and progressive - Gareth Emery, Kyau & Albert, Mat Zo and Jaytech.
The main event will be a two hour set from Above & Beyond themselves - recently voted Britain's most popular DJs for the 4th year running.
They actually just released the 9th volume of their Anjunabeats compilation... Check this out !
Through a live eight hour broadcast, fans from anywhere in the world will be able to hear each set in its full glory - as well as AAA live interviews and chatter with all the artists from Above & Beyond's backstage studio.
The show will be streamed live between 22.00 – 06.00 EET.
To calculate the time you can listen live from your global destination click HERE.
But fans will not simply be able to experience the action wherever they are in the world, they will also be able to part of the action too. Through the central interactive hub, and the interactive 3D map, Above & Beyond are calling on their fans to communicate with them via Twitter and Facebook.
Last year, Above & Beyond's TATW350 united fans around the world through the interactive global map - pushing #TATW350 to become the world's top twitter trending topic.
This year, they have been working hard to revolutionise the interactive experience of this live eight hour clubbing marathon - presenting a new interactive 3d globe.
By talking about #TATW400 on Twitter you will see your messages emerge on a real time 3D globe pin pointing the exact location of each comment. This year's map will even bring you real time exclusive photo and video content as the show happens. Fan comments and messages left on the social networks will also be read out live on air by Above & Beyond, completing the 360 interactive experience.
LINE UP (Beirut Time)
10pm - 11.30pm Jaytech
11.30pm - 1am Kyau & Albert
1am - 3am Above & Beyond
3am - 4.30am Gareth Emery
4.30am - 6.30am Mat Zo
Listen to this exclusive International Trance event tomorrow, Saturday November 26th, from 21H00 to 05H00 on Radio Amnesia.
Remember that you can listen Radio Amnesia on your IPhone, downloading the new App here.
Es difícil que lo comprendáis. De antemano ya aviso. Entender la verdadera dimensión de la Red Bull Music Academy supone conocerla desde dentro, visitarla, participar de ella, y aún así es posible que se te escapen detalles y sensaciones. Por mucho que uno de los alumnos se esfuerce en explicar toda la experiencia que supone la Academia nunca logrará que su interlocutor la conciba realmente. Aunque probablemente lo que si consiga transmitir es su completa fascinación por lo vivido.
Para los no iniciados os pongo en situación. La Red Bull Music Academy es un proyecto que nació en 1998 y que cada año y medio (aproximadamente) se celebra en una ciudad del mundo: Seattle, Toronto, Roma, Ciudad del Cabo, Sao Paulo, Londres, Barcelona.... En ella, 40 músicos, productores o dj´s, repartidos en dos tandas, seleccionados de manera exhaustiva y muy particular por la dirección, recibe un viaje inspirador por el mundo de la creación musical. Conferencias de artistas de primer nivel que explican su experiencia a los “novatos”, estudios de ensayo donde practicar con toda la clase de cacharrería (sintes, cajas de ritmo, instrumentos, efectos, secuenciadores, controladores midi....) que los afortunados tienen a su disposición en un almacén, un estudio de grabación espectacular donde plasmar sus creaciones y muchos bolos en la ciudad . Todo ello a gastos pagados, con un runner que les lleva y les trae al hotel en todo momento y con un maravilloso comedor donde reponen fuerzas en un catering fino.
Un lugar donde talentosos jóvenes de todas partes del mundo conviven junto a profesores como Mark Pritchard, Benji B, Marco Passarani o James Pants y con invitados de excepción de diversa índole como la diva del nu soul, Erikah Badu, el creador de Chic Nile Rodgers, el productor Andrew Weatheral, RZA, miembro de los seminales Wu Tang Clan, uno de los creadores del Chicago house, Frankie Knuckles o el genio del tropicalismo Tom Ze. Y no solo hay viejas glorias, también hay ejemplos inspiradores en jóvenes talentos que se han abierto paso en los últimos años: Scuba, Daniel Lopatin, John Talabot o Matias Aguayo . En la Academia se desayuna, come y cena música. O mejor, amor por la música.
Por si fuera poco, después de la actividad diurna queda la nocturna. Los alumnos comparten cartel en las diferentes actividades y eventos temáticos que organiza la RBMA. Desde una noche tropical donde Tom Ze, El Guincho, Sr Coconut, Mathew Johnson desplegaron frescura y sensualidad, una experiencia en el Reina Sofia con uno de los precursores de la electrónica, Morton Subotnick, un recorrido por las influencias y las canciones sampleadas por RZA para sus Wu Tang o una noche al más puro estilo underground londinense con Scuba, Pearson Sound y el talentoso alumno de la Academy XXXY
3 años después de trabajar en la edición de 2008 en Barcelona he tenido la oportunidad de volver como visitante y de compartir la vida en la academía durante cuatro días. He sido consciente de lo afortunado que fui al poder vivirla desde dentro. ¿Una experiencia increible, verdad? El sueño de cualquier músico... Pues bien, aunque os lo imaginéis aún os quedáis cortos. Así que si estáis en Madrid y tenéis la oportunidad de visitar la Academy o ir a alguno de sus eventos hacedlo, aunque ya solo quedan unos pocos días. Por otro lado si queréis comprobar los resultados de la academia podéis ir al escenario auspiciado por la RBMA en el festival de electrónica más importante del mundo, el Sónar. Y si sois músicos y tenéis ideas frescas, haceros un favor: para la próxima Red Bull Music Academy, enviad vuestra candidatura para entrar en la escuela musical que forja el sonido del mañana, de lo que está por venir. The shape of music to come.
Pete HERBERT, one time proprietor of the infamous Atlas Records emporium in London back in the mid 90's, Pete spends his time these days releasing music as Reverso 68 and Frontera with Phil Mison, also LSB, Challenge and his own solo material on labesl such as Maxi Discs, and Disco Deviance as well as clocking up a remix discography as long as your arm. He currently resides in the sunny east end of London, and dj's around the globe of a weekend...
REVERSO 68 is the studio based project of producer/djs Pete Herbert and Phil Mison. The two met many moons ago whilst Phil was a resident at the Cafe Del Mar in Ibiza and bought records from Pete who was running record shops in Soho, London at the time, just before he opened the infamous Atlas Records vinyl emporium. As well as djing extensively around the globe for the last decade and more recently working together ... (the duo have also recorded an album as Frontera for Music for Dreams out in Spring 2006) They have also both recorded and released their own projects, Phil as Cantoma with Music For Dreams, and Pete as Bakazou and as part of LSB and Optimus for Eskimo Recordings and their offshoot Suicide and as Cuica for Ubiquity Records,California.
The REVERSO 68 sound could be descibed as a deep mix of Balearic disco and spaced out,melodic electronics made with the dancefloor in mind but definately a listening pleasure for all occasions.
In 2009, Pete released the first Music For Swimming Pools ep on Redux which came on ultra ltd edition blue vinyl and is now a bit of a collectors piece.
Last year, Pete Release the second volume of Music For Swimming Pool...
Music For Swimming Pool Show As the name suggests is some suitable music selected by Pete Herbert, and regular special guests for such aquatic occasions...
On September 7th, Pete HERBERT was Igor Marijuan's guest of the Sonica Sunset Session from KUMHARAS. Here you can discover or rediscover this special sunset session...
More recently Pete records under his own name, and is currently putting the finishing touches to his first solo album to be released on Nang Recordings in 2012, which includes collaborations with non other than Robert Owens…whilst recentlyhe has also been on remix duty for the likes of Royksopp, Penguin Prison, Inflagranti, Bottin, The Glimmers to name a few… These last few years Pete has also teamed up with Tim Paris of Its a Fine Line to record as Challenge, as well as with Dicky Trisco, releasing for the his DISCO DEVIANCE label and for their co-run label MAXI DISCS, specifically focusing on their take of Tropical House with releases by Marius Vareid, Ray Mang, Ajello and Pete and Dicky Trisco themselves.. Pete is also currently working on a compilation with Toby Tobias for Ministry Of Sound due for release and tour in 2012.
When not in the studio Pete can be found regularly behind the decks at Fabric, Ministry Of Sound, Horse and Groom in his native London and other forward thinking clubs around Europe and has recently been in Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Croatia, Lithuania, Paris, Ibiza,Tel Aviv and beyond…
Gilles Peterson does not mince his words in describing COMPOST label :
“With great pleasure I pronounce Compost the most consistent and forward thinking record label of continental Europe. Quietly releasing the right and proper pieces from a slowly building alternative club culture that has now not only made worldwide news but is also changing the rules Stateside! Compost is the honest and independent vision of Michael Reinboth who I first met when he invited me to play at his tiny residency in Munich 13 years ago! I was at that “lets see what’s up in Deutschland phase” and Michael was the first to show me there was a future in playing cool records for a living!
In the years that have passed his label has somehow not only represented the correct edge but most importantly has given this scene a true base enabling DJs and artists a feeling of being part of something truly meaningful! It hasn’t been easy as there’s always someone ready to put you down but after enough time you achieve collective strength to knock the cynics off! Today all of clublife is looking at Germany a little like the French touch a few years back and where Daft Punk led the disco revival I feel truly excited at the impact Truby, Jazzanova, Kruder, the Fauna Flash crew and the whole Compost family will have on world clubbing related music ! These guys are bringing the Soul back! Ask Oakenfold, Carl Cox or Tenaglia and you’ll see that even the biggest djs in the world are tuned and inspired by those Bavarian beats.”
In spring 2003, Michael Reinboth founded another platform for more club-oriented electronic music. The Compost Black Label unites a variety of both newcomer and internationally renowned house and electro composers, such as Peter Kruder, Christian Prommer, Manuel Tur, Alex Attias, Roland Appel, Matt Flores, Phreek Plus One, TJ Kong & Nuno Dos Santos, Patrick Pulsinger, Zwicker, Johnwaynes, Jay Shepheard, dan Mela, Dodi Palese, Sarras, DJ Enne, Turntablerocker, SHOW-B, Ogris Debris or Shahrokh. The Compost´s sub-label output feeds the worldwide dancefloors and is also celebrated at the “Compost Black Label Sessions” at Munich´s popular clubs Die Registratur and Harry Klein.
Every wenesday from 19H00 to 20HOO enter in th Black Label universe to a unique blend of their most favourite tunes, secret weapons and a bunch of tasty soon-to-be released gems. Hosted by two of Munich's Housemusic aficionados and DJsShow B & Thomas HERB,both part of the COMPOST family,Of course these guys are going to feature some guest mixes from like-minded artists from time to time. So, spread the word and enjoy !
Thomas Herb, the Munich-based DJ and Producer, is no rookie. This DJ has been sharing his talents with us since 1996; establishing a residency in his hometown in 1999 at the seminal Friday night event "Flokat", held in club legends Ultraschall and later in Harry Klein. Currently, Thomas Herb ist the resident DJ of the massively in demand monthly club night "Compost Blacklabel Sessions" held at Bob Beaman.
Thomas takes his main inspiration from US-Garage House. Classic tunes like Hard Drive’s "Deep Inside" will probably never leave his recordcase. However he’s far from one-dimesional. Deep, quality tracks, touching his musical senses will always be given airtime by Thomas Herb. His DJing is not constrained by any genre boundaries – it’s spontaneous and the result, the essence of his sets, is a versatile blend of true House Music.
Awarded as the best newcomer at the Italian Music Conference 2001 (Riccione), Herb can always be found performing at selected spots outside his hometown where he is ever in demand: Cookies (Berlin), Tape (Berlin), Meierei (Wien), Màd (Geneva), Pascia / Echoes (Riccione), Tunnel (Milan) - are just a few selected examples. Over the years Thomas Herb has performed alongside artists like Tony Humphries, Joris Voorn, Karizma, Heidi, Dixon, Ame, Deetron, I:Cube, Soundstream or Osunlade, gaining invaluable experience and inspiration.
Combining his mixing talent with a instinctive awareness for the perfect tune at the right time, the music of Thomas Herb is a vital ingredient in your club night.
What do molecular cooking and modern music have in common?
Both venture the realms of the avant-garde, without loosing the prosaic outlook on life, art and good taste, while inelegant junkies for Bavarian leberkäs, Jamba subscribers and Starsearch-kiddies wallow in the insufferable boringness of mediocrity. Shallowness, ordinarity and a simple sensation of contentment do not mix well with higher forms of artistic communication.
SHOW-B is taking on the challenge, and is making a triumphal procession through the heaven of arrangements and the musically modernistic housemusic. With his background as a DJ, his music is not always only dance-oriented, it is definitely treading in its own new paths.
Complex, but fleet-footed, his rhythmic structures produce a soulful symbiosis with the music of long-gone times of dance music. Traditional elements, such as Flutes or Rhodes unite with sub basses, crisp kick drums and detriotesque bass lines, culminating in SHOW-B’s own definition of Housemusic.